Reason to NOT get Plus-Size Plastic Surgery

Is There a Reason to NOT get Plus-Size Plastic Surgery?

High BMI patients may get plastic surgery, but these procedures are still not for everybody.

Here are some of the most common contraindications for plastic surgery. You should inform your surgeon if you have any of these conditions:

High Blood Pressure

The problem with high blood pressure is that you may develop arrhythmia—irregular heartbeat patterns that increase the possibility of a cardiac arrest during the surgery.

Plus, you may be consuming blood thinners that raise the likelihood of bleeding during the procedure.


Even if you have a healthy BMI for plastic surgery, diabetes puts you at risk for delayed recovery, infections, and incision reopening.

Unless your diabetes is controlled, you might not be allowed to get high BMI plastic surgery.

Lung or Heart Diseases

These two major organs are responsible for keeping you alive, especially when you’re under anesthesia. If any of these organs become unstable, the anesthesia may cause an erratic heartbeat or abnormal breathing that can put you at risk of a heart attack.

Serious Allergies

Another thing to disclose with your surgeon is your allergies. You might be allergic to latex or a particular drug that can cause severe allergic reactions during the surgery.

Aside from swelling, itching, and redness, you may develop life-threatening reactions like throat tightness, breathing difficulty, and erratic heartbeats that may compromise your safety.