BMI Too High For Surgery?
We accept BMI 45+
If you’re thinking about getting cosmetic surgery, surgeons will ask for your BMI or body mass index. Unfortunately, if you have a BMI too high for surgery, most surgeons may hesitate. The numbers on your weighing scale indicate how much you weigh - no more and no less.
Although a heavier body is a cause of concern for obesity and other risks associated with it, it’s not set in stone. Even if you have a BMI too high for surgery, only diagnostic tools and further evaluations will determine if you’re fit for your chosen procedure.
Before you panic and lose hope for the body of your dreams, don’t worry. We’ll explain more about why your BMI is high despite being healthy and what you can do about it before your surgery.
BMI and How It Matters for Your Surgery
Your BMI measures your weight relative to your height. The results classify you as underweight, normal, overweight, or obese.
To calculate your BMI range, you can use our BMI calculator, or the formula for the metric and English systems.
BMI = kilograms (weight) / meters squared (height)
BMI = pounds (weight) / inches squared (height) x 703
After computing the result, here’s a quick reference to your status:
- Normal: 18.5 to 24.9
- Overweight: 25 to 29.9
- Obese: 30 or greater
Some surgeons include the criteria of having a normal BMI before they start with any cosmetic surgery
That’s because overweight and obese individuals are prone to surgery complications such as infections, slower recovery periods, and bleeding. But it is important to note that one’s BMI does not give the overall status of a person’s health and fitness. Hence, Dr. Masri accepts people with BMI too high for surgery, (up to BMI 45!) as long as they are in great shape based on other diagnostic procedures and evaluations.
Nick Masri MD, one of Miami's top board-certified plastic surgeons.

Is Your BMI Too High for Surgery?
Numerous factors influence your BMI. There are instances where those who have a high BMI can be healthier than those who fall within the normal range.
Taller People Have Higher BMI
If you look at the BMI formula, a person’s height is doubled. Because of this, taller people have an exaggerated value for their BMI. The formula assumes that tall people are fatter while thinner individuals are shorter.
People with Greater Body Mass are Heavier
People who are actively working to make their muscles stronger and bigger are heavier, giving them a BMI that’s too high for surgery. This is because muscles are denser than body fat.
Your Ethnicity Affects Your BMI Range
African-Americans generally have higher BMI, but they are not obese. Asians, on the other hand, have lower BMIs but are prone to type 2 diabetes.
If you consider your BMI too high for surgery, your first course of action is not to panic.
Consult with Dr. Masri and submit yourself for diagnostic exams to determine your overall health status.
Dr. Masri accepts patients with a BMI of up to 45 in general, as long as they have obtained a clean bill of health. In some cases, BMI is not limited.
To ensure patient safety, he operates exclusively in hospitals, where there’s immediate access to emergency equipment and trained staff.
I do not use BMI as a sole criterion in determining one's candidacy for surgery.
As all patients have individualized goals and surgical nuances, a high BMI should not prevent them from achieving their plastic surgery goals.

Nick Masri MD
Double Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon