Tummy Tuck
Before And After

Pictures of Extended Tummy Tuck Before and After

Despite committing to a healthy lifestyle, rigorous body workouts, and a few body sculpting tips and tricks, you realize your tummy isn’t looking as pretty as you’d like it to be.

Good news: An extended tummy tuck can help you! Also known as abdominoplasty, the tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that eliminates excess fat, tissue, and skin in your belly, resulting in tighter abdominal muscles.

In the past, cosmetic plastic surgeons would turn down plus-sized individuals—or persons with a body mass index (BMI) above 30—when they ask for a tummy tuck. But, this is no longer the case these days.

Because the BMI is not a foolproof indicator of one’s health status, Dr. Nick Masri offers plus-size tummy tucks for persons with a clean bill of health.

There are studies showing that BMI does not increase the surgery’s complications, and patients are reporting improved quality of life because of the body contouring effects of the procedure.

People with a high BMI for a tummy tuck now see the amazing benefits of this surgical procedure. 

If you’re interested in getting one, continue reading the rest of this article.



Nick Masri MD, one of Miami's top board-certified plastic surgeons.

With over 20 years of experience operating on post-bariatric and massive weight loss patients, Dr. Masri can offer cosmetic surgery to those who may have been turned down by other surgeons due to their BMI – giving them a chance to achieve their dream body.

Dr. Nick Masri from High BMI, an expert in plus size plastic surgery
Before After plus size tummy tuck beforeplus size Tummy Tuck after
Before After before tummy tuck for plus size womenafter tummy tuck for plus size women
Before After plus size tummy tuck beforeplus size tummy tuck after

3 Things You Should Consider in Extended Tummy Tuck Before and After Photos

If you are considering a tummy tuck, reading patients’ reviews and looking at your prospective surgeon’s tummy tuck mini before and after photos are tools to guide you in selecting a surgeon.

Patient reviews give you an idea of an individual’s experience with a surgeon. But if you want visual proof, tummy tuck mini before and after photos will help you temper your expectations on the outcome of your tummy tuck.

But what should you look for in these images?

Here are three critical elements you should inspect in your tummy tuck pictures’ before and after:

Tummy Tuck Before and After Scar

During the procedure, you can expect to get an incision that will eventually become a scar. In the case of a tummy tuck, this linear incision stretches from one side of the hip bone to another.

A tummy tuck incision is often made just above the pubic area. Once it heals, you can expect it to be concealed with underwear and even a bikini.

When looking at extended tummy tuck before and after photos, locate the tummy tuck before and after scar. Can you still enjoy your favorite summer outfits without worrying about a scar protruding from your bikini?

tummy tuck before and after scar

Belly Button Appearance

An excellent cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Masri takes extra time and effort to create a natural belly button. 

During a tummy tuck, your surgeon will stretch and remove a significant amount of excess skin, tissues, and muscle from your abdomen.

Because of this process, your abdominal area will shift, and your belly button might get lost or relocated. Your surgeon will then create a new opening from your existing umbilical stalk, which will now be sculpted into your new belly button.

Aside from a natural-looking belly button, the skin and muscles on the abdominal area are tucked down to create a “funneling” effect. Otherwise, a too-flat tummy will appear unnatural and will show you’ve had a tummy tuck.

Don’t forget to look at the belly button appearance on your prospective surgeon’s tummy tuck mini before and after photos.

Flat and Contoured Abdomen

Contouring the abdomen results in an all-natural look that flatters a patient’s curves. 

By taking the extra time and effort to iron out the details, a surgeon deviates from the flat and featureless abdomen that is a tell-tale sign that a person had a tummy tuck.

Again, you must look for the sculpted abdominal look in the tummy tuck pictures’ before and after.

Preparing for a Tummy Tuck

Looking at extended tummy tuck before and after photos may be great for peace of mind, but you must also prepare for surgery.

Preparation affects your body’s health during and after the surgical procedure. If you don’t want to risk complications and lengthy recovery periods, you must follow your surgeon’s instructions.

Aside from eating nutritious foods, being active, and getting enough sleep, here are a few more guidelines you need to remember.

  • Stop using drugs, medications, or supplements that may induce bleeding. If you are taking any prescribed medicine, inform your surgeon so they can guide you.
  • Refrain from smoking at least two weeks before your scheduled surgery. Avoid using nicotine vape pens, patches, and gums. Smoking increases the risks of complications, stroke, and heart attack.
  • Maintain your ideal weight in the weeks leading to your surgery. Avoid losing weight or trying fad diets that promise quick weight loss.
  • Avoid consuming processed foods or junk foods as it may increase inflammation. Cut carb intake as it increases inflammatory complications as well.
  • Consume fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C. Vitamin C speeds up recovery, improves collagen production, and decreases oxidative stress.
  • Eat omega-3 rich foods that will help your body against inflammation.
  • Refrain from eating sugary foods as it will cause swelling and spike your blood sugar.
  • Prepare your body by nourishing it with fluids. Drink liquids filled with electrolytes. This will also help in the quick healing of your tummy tuck before and after scar.
  • It is recommended that you eat high-protein and low-fat meals. These nutrients will help your body recover after the procedure.
  • Before your scheduled procedure, you can stack up on high-protein, low-fat and microwaveable meals that you can eat after your surgery.
  • You can also prepare ingredients for a protein shake as you may not eat solid foods after the tummy tuck.
  • On the day of your procedure, you must not drink or consume food to avoid choking hazards.

Post-Tummy Tuck Recovery Tips

After your extended tummy tuck procedure, be mindful of your surgeon’s instructions. These will contribute to a speedy recovery and minimize the pain of complications from the surgery.

Here are more post-tummy tuck recovery tips you should remember.

  • Start with consuming water. Then, move to a soft diet of fruits, protein shakes, soup, pudding, yogurt, and whole-grain cereals.
  • After the procedure, you must consume healthy food items to sustain the effects of the tummy tuck.
  • Develop life-long healthy eating habits. Cut reliance on junk food, processed foods, and high-calorie items.
  • Always ensure you are eating enough vitamin C, omega-3, and protein. Consume fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken breast, and fresh eggs.
  • Limit movements after the first few days of the procedure. Have someone help you with daily chores and activities during your recovery period.
  • Always consult your surgeon before going back to work or trying to exercise. Straining your body might lead to bleeding and more extended recovery periods.
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight to heal your tummy tuck scar.

With the help of a plus size tummy tuck, any high BMI individual can gain self-confidence and experience improved quality of life. Don’t forget to check your doctor’s tummy tuck mini before and after photos to manage your expectations.

If you want to know if this procedure is right for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Masri. He will also show you the before and after photos of his previous patients so you can make an informed decision.

I do not use BMI as a sole criterion in determining one's candidacy for surgery.

As all patients have individualized goals and surgical nuances, a high BMI should not prevent one from achieving your plastic surgery goals.
Nick Masri MD

Nick Masri MD

Double Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

Consult Dr. Nick Masri to learn more about high BMI plastic surgery for plus size patients.