supportive partner

How to Take Care of Your Partner During Recovery

Many patients aim to minimize the impact of surgery on their loved ones. However, resting after surgery is crucial for a speedier recovery.

Anything you can do to lighten their load with daily chores and obligations during these initial days can significantly aid in their recovery. Your support in managing daily tasks during this time can make a world of difference in their recovery journey.

This isn’t the time to make plans for parties, dinners out, or entertaining guests. Encourage a peaceful environment that allows them to focus on healing without any added stress or distractions.

Look after the children.

husband support kidsIf you have children, take on the primary caregiving role during your spouse’s recovery. This includes tasks like school drop-offs and pickups, helping with homework, and engaging in activities to keep them occupied while your spouse rests.

Prepare healthy meals.

Plan and prepare nutritious meals to support your spouse’s recovery. Ensure they have easy access to healthy snacks and plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.

Following any dietary recommendations from their surgeon can aid in healing and promote overall well-being.

Create a comfortable rest area.

post op resting at homeSet up a designated rest area for your spouse, ideally close to the bathroom for convenience.

Arrange pillows, blankets, and any necessary supplies to make them as comfortable as possible during their recovery period.

Prepare medications and assist in wound care.

Organize and dispense any prescribed medications according to their schedule.

Your partner might feel overwhelmed after their surgery. Even with all the information from the surgeon and thorough research, nothing quite prepares a person for those initial weeks of discomfort post-surgery.

Here are some tips on taking care of them while they’re healing.

Be their emotional support.

Temotional supporthey might have moments where they second-guess their decision, but these feelings of doubt are often fleeting.

If they do crop up, reassure your spouse that things will improve soon and ask if there’s anything you can do to ease their discomfort.

Avoid unhelpful comments like, “See, this is why I was against the surgery.” Instead, offer words of encouragement and support through this challenging time.

Help them physically.

Also, help your spouse with changing dressings and caring for their surgical wounds as instructed by their surgeon. This may involve cleaning the incision sites, applying ointments or creams, and monitoring for any signs of infection or complications.

Accompany them to follow-up appointments.

follow up appointmentAccompany your spouse to follow-up appointments with Dr. Nick Masri. This provides emotional support and ensures any questions or concerns are addressed during the post-operative healing process.